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The Frozen Lake

By Daniel Mullane | Observer Contributor

Body temperature drop!

Couldn’t feel my phalanges.

The flip phone started to ring…

Jeans is frozen!

Heart started to beat 100 miles per hour!

Panic started…

Daylight was taken away from me.

Night vision were given by my eyes.

That was the day I thought I was going to be dead.

What a remorse it was once I arrived to my destination.

A pile of snow was waiting for me.

An unknown lesson needed to be learn by my first adopted father to me wasn’t well plan.

As I lay down on the snow with one shoe on,

One glove in my right hand,

Not enough APT left,

I opened my mouth and declared:

God if I die today please take my life away.

An instinct miracle was needed.

Believe it or nor not my prayer was acknowledged.

  A voice calling my name was heard.

Adopted father came for my rescue.

I truly wasn’t meant to see my heavenly father that early.

Life is full of blessing and when the time comes he will show me his face.

Lesson learn, cold temperature can burn,

Can even give you arthritis.

Lesson learned,

Don’t discipline your kids by leaving them on a frozen lake and ask them to make a choice.

Of course they will come home.

 Where else they have to go?

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