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That Christmas Cheer

By William A. Lefrancois | Observer Contributor

Outside, the snow is falling, trees all with a cap of white;

Inside, our hearts are lifted, hoping for times to be bright!

The world around us, so much trouble it has been;

Maybe through that Christmas cheer, we’ll find the good once again.

The ground lies all frozen, covered in wintery ice;

Not a sound do you hear, just the wind howling and blowing so nice!

Nature at peace, calmness, and quietude reign supreme;

If only that Christmas cheer, if only it was everyone’s dream.

Look for that Christmas cheer, it’s always been there;

Let your heart be happy; let loose of every care!

The season is coming, soon it will be here;

The perfect time, the best time, to share with those who are dear.

Don’t worry about problems; they always cloud your way.

Let your heart sing with the season; fill it with glee every day!

If people get along, brothers and sisters finding their way;

If nations celebrate together, then we’ll have a wonderful day.

The world is full of good people, some very young and some getting old;

Each person is different, but inside, all the same, we are told.

Love and laughter are universal, the remedy to every concern;

If we can feel that Christmas cheer, then a lesson we will learn.

Enemies set aside differences, friends gather together;

That Christmas cheer unites all, no matter the weather.

Wind may be howling, snow may be falling;

People come together, all hear the spirit calling.

Families gather together, expressions of love are shared;

Neither anger nor ill will are present, only good thoughts are cared!

Children safe with family, favorite pets to enjoy the season;

So much joy and pleasure, letting go of anger is the reason.

The world to be at peace again, this the prayer of one and all;

An end to violence and despair, harkening to serenity’s call.

Friend and foe alike, joining in holiday joy and cheer;

A world of happiness, a world where love’s residence is near.

That Christmas cheer, the goodwill feeling of timeless years;

When times are at their worst, when we are overcome with fears.

Look to the feelings of the holidays, wrap your hearts with those who are dear;

Forgive, forget, laugh, and be happy; this is the message of the Christmas cheer.

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