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Posts tagged as “television”

Review: Doctor Who – The Power of the Doctor

The Whittaker-Chibnall Era Comes to a Clustered Close

By Tom Hill Jr. | Observer Designer

The British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC) turned 100 years old on October 18, 2022. To celebrate, they released “Centenary Specials” of some of their various television programs, and one such program that was given the Centenary treatment was the long-running science fiction show Doctor Who, with a 1 hour and 28-minute special: The Power of the Doctor. A lot was riding on this special for many reasons, but for me, it didn’t quite meet the mark.

First, some brief background; Doctor Who began in 1963 and centered on the adventures of an alien known as the Doctor who travels through all of time and space in a ship called the TARDIS (Time and Relative Dimension in Space). It appeared as a 1960s Police Box that was larger on the inside than the outside and served as the Doctor’s home. The Doctor gathered a constantly rotating cast of companions over the years, as well as various enemies, which are usually alien monsters that threaten the safety of Earth. read more

Review: The Book of Boba Fett

The Middling Adventures of Star Wars‘ Original Mystery Man(dalorian)

By Thomas Hill Jr. | Observer Designer

Disney and Lucasfilm’s third foray into the live-action Star Wars series (after two seasons of The Mandalorian) brings us The Book of Boba Fett. Acting as a sort of sequel/spin-off of The Mandalorian, Boba Fett follows the titular bounty hunter as he attempts to take over the criminal empire built by the now-deceased Jabba the Hutt on desert planet Tatooine and turn it to his own devices. To do so, he must build a team of other bounty hunters, gangs, and Tatooine’s own denizens to chase off rival crime lords looking to take a piece of the pie, including the spice-dealing Pyke Syndicate (drug dealers, essentially) and Jabba’s own family. On the surface, this seems like an intriguing set-up; a deep dive into the seedy underbelly and criminal politics of the Star Wars galaxy. Unfortunately, the execution of this idea leaves quite a bit to be desired. read more