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Posts published in “News”

Older students discuss the struggles of adult education

By Jurrell Pabrezis
Observer Contributor

Photo from Unsplash

Between having a job and a family, adults who return to school may have more obstacles to overcome than younger students.

Derek Allen, 32, takes online classes because of his full-time overnight job. “I’m switching majors; I can’t just take online classes. I may have to find a different job,” Allen said.

Despite obstacles, Allen knows that when he graduates he won’t have to worry about both work and school. Allen’s advice for older students is to “stay focused and know that there’s a finish line.” read more

Resources for Students as Finals Week Approaches

Photo by Ben Richard.
Gretchen Gonzalez studying in the library.

by Lvov Mhyana

Journalism I

The most stressful time of the semester is coming right up. We all know it’s difficult to take care of yourself during this time, but there are a few things you can easily do to keep yourself healthy to improve your performance during tests, and improve your memory while studying. Here are some on-campus resources to calm your mind and get yourself more prepared for finals. read more

Ice on Wind Turbines Breaks News and Skylights Outside the Theater

On Tuesday, January 23 at about 9:30 am, ice that had frozen onto the wind turbines overnight dislodged themselves and flew over the parking lot to land over the Theater and Art Wing. The ice reportedly smashed one skylight, which was luckily just out of the way of precious artwork.

Repairs are underway. No students or faculty were hurt, but many were shaken by this event.

Wind turbines not speaking after turbulent disagreement.

Disagreement is in the air today, as the two wind turbines that provide green energy to MWCC have turned their backs to each other.

For those that pass these wind current carousels on their way in to school, it may have come as a shock today to find that the turbines, normally facing triumphantly in the same direction, charging forward into renewable power generation, were in fact facing opposite directions.

“I don’t know what my partner is thinking,” the west-facing turbine said, “the wind is blowing from the west!”

“The wind is obviously blowing from the east.” said the east-facing turbine, “Look at him, spinning like an idiot.”

Gale Whirlwind, a psychologist majoring in tempest perception (how one understands the wind) has been called to work out the issues between the two feuding turbines.

Stay tuned to the Mount Observer for updates as the story develops!

Campus Club Spotlight: Hiking Club

By: Rachel Aster

In 2017, we are a world filled with technology, lights, screens and distractions. While technology is a very useful tool, it can easily become an enemy to a clear mind and mental health.

Nancy Regan saw students struggling with anxiety, stress and depression when she started her career at the Human Health Services on the Gardner campus in April of 2014. Regan had also witnessed some of her closest friends turn to hiking as an outlet while feeling depressed, stressed, or anxious. They claimed that being in nature was a cure-all for their ailments.

Regan was immediately hooked on hiking after trying it and she is passionate about the outdoors. Through personal experiences, Regan knew that outdoor activities, such as hiking, did wonders for her mental health and seeing students struggling was painful. It was then that she decided to start the Hiking Club in September, 2014. read more

Spooky World: Reviewing New England’s “Nightmare”

By Sonia Aviles

Think of being placed right in the middle of a ghoulish nightmare mixed with elements of your favorite horror movie on a cold, dark night surrounded by many unfamiliar faces. Then enhance that nightmare with heavy rock and roll music in the back ground mixed with the sounds of chainsaws, cheerful laughter, screams of glee and fear, and cracks of a nearby fire pit. Welcome to Spooky World!!

Spooky World is in Litchfield, New Hampshire, this haunted theme park is worth a visit on any opening night. Upon arrival, there is plenty of space to park, with at least three to four lots of parking space for a fee of $5. The parking staff is also helpful and direct cars to appropriate spaces to park so there is no hassle to find parking spaces. Generally, the ticket prices are not wallet friendly. General admission is usually $40 per ticket for a typical weekend. The food and drinks are decent there, but not worth the price. Something as simple as hotdogs or burgers would cost $5 and more where you could get the same thing at a local fast food restaurant. They do serve beer there; however, they cost just as much as buying it from a bar. A helpful suggestion would be to eat out if money is an issue. read more

MWCC to host a Financial Literacy Fair on October 24th

By Meghan Doyle

Mount Wachusett Community College will host a financial literacy fair on October 24 in the Gardner campus commons area. The fair is free for all students and will cover a variety of topics, such as tips on building budgeting habits and establishing good credit

The program stresses the importance of financial literacy in both school and life. The workshops on federal student loans and the financial aid process can help individuals understand the ins and outs of comprehending college finances while other workshops, such as dealing with credit cards and budgeting are ubiquitous in everyday life, affirms the financial aid office. Students are encouraged to pre-register online to reserve their seats at read more

In/Transit Art Exhibit

By: Desire’ Jackson – Crosby

Lines etched on simple, ripped-out-of-the-book sketch paper. Colors – pastel blue, hazy yellow, and earthy brown decorate some pages while heavy thick lines of defined color trace upon others. Simplicity sings a soft note of abstractness, telling a whimsical story that changes the more you look at it.
This is the work of Julia Morgan, titled “In/Transit”. For some reason, upon hearing the name of these pieces, I was taken to a much more figurative view of the art. I began the famous process of contemplation that comes with observing art. I thought to myself: “Maybe Julia created the messy strokes on the page when she was feeling cloudy and confused over a situation in her life”. I turned over instances and searched for situations inside the colors of the pages. Although art is open-ended, after reading the display bearing Julia’s explanation of her work, I was struck. Of In/Transit, she said “these paintings were made on buses and trains, in desert jeeps, taxis, rental cars, buses and carts across Egypt, India, Morocco and France using watercolor, pens, ink, and paint markers” I stood puzzled, but by then very intrigued. read more