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Let’s Go on a Trip

MWCC Prepares for Upcoming School Trip to Iceland

By Katie Holgerson | Observer Contributor

Have you ever wondered what studying abroad opportunities MWCC has to offer for its students? Well, this year students at MWCC have begun to prepare for their upcoming trip to Iceland in May 2024. Students will leave on May 16th and stay in Iceland until the 23rd. This trip is organized by Professors Michelle Valois and Heather Conn, who have planned an exciting and fulfilling experience for the students.

This will be the second year that MWCC has offered the Iceland trip. Discussing the inspiration behind choosing Iceland as the destination, Valois explained, “I was with Professor Conn at the meeting, and she teaches geology, and I love mythology. And I don’t know who said it first. I think she said, ‘I’ve always wanted to go to Iceland,’ and I said, ‘Oh my God, I’d love to teach about Norse mythology.'” Students had the opportunity to enroll in a course taught by Valois and Conn, focusing on Iceland, its geological structures, its history, and its mythological views. This course serves as a foundation for students before going on the trip.

Some students are eligible to receive a scholarship to attend the trip from MWCC after completing the course. Valois outlined the requirements for applying for the scholarship, stating that students need to have received a grade of B or higher in the course and maintain a GPA of at least 3.0. However, students who wish to participate in the trip without taking the course are also permitted, provided they have completed at least 12 credits at MWCC. Without the scholarship, the trip costs approximately $3,800. The average cost for students in the U.S. to travel abroad can range anywhere from $3,650 for January programs to $19,968 or more for semester programs. Therefore, students should seize this opportunity as it offers a more affordable option compared to most.

Students have a lot to gain from this sort of experience, as Valois pointed out, “I think travel, particularly when you’re in [a place] where English isn’t people’s first language or the currency is different or the customs are different, I think you just grow so much and you learn so much about yourself. And I think they’ll gain confidence.”

Students will also get to visit a lot of fun attractions to go to and activities to partake in. They will have the chance to go hiking and witness beautiful waterfalls, climb glaciers, and even take a boat trip to visit Diamond Beach. Valois further explained that students will be able to witness a phenomenon called “calving,” where they can hear the glaciers melting, something caused by global warming.

Some preparations that students are making include obtaining their passports, a process which Valois and Conn help with as they have funding to help pay for the application process. Students also will prepare by packing the necessities they will need while on the trip. Valois explained, “Iceland’s a very wet country. It’s not like it doesn’t rain hard, but it can be like a day like this. And it suddenly rains and then it suddenly stops and the sun comes out or it’s sunny and it drizzles and I know we were just always wet.” Therefore, students will need rain jackets, rain pants, and waterproof hiking boots.

Valois confirmed that students over the age of 21 are also allowed to venture to bars if they wish, provided they conduct themselves respectfully. This is important for students to follow as it could damage the schools reputation and future trips may not be allowed if students do not follow. During their stay, students will be accommodated in a hotel in Reykjavik and may even have the opportunity to stay in a guest house in the countryside, as Valois mentioned they have done in the past.

Valois confirmed that students over the age of 21 are also allowed to venture to bars if they wish, provided they conduct themselves respectfully. This is important for students to follow as it could damage the schools reputation and future trips may not be allowed if students do not follow. During their stay, students will be accommodated in a hotel in Reykjavik and may even have the opportunity to stay in a guest house in the countryside, as Valois mentioned they have done in the past.

Cody Nathanson, a student who attended the trip in the previous year, described his favorite moment to be with one of the bus drivers in Iceland who was telling him about his experience in the country, saying, “…his job was working in the police force of Iceland. He was telling us about the politics of Iceland, how there’s an actual pirate party in Iceland right now—with the Jolly Roger and everything. It’s hilarious because they’re like the right-wing version of what we have here.” This proves the potential positive interactions students may gain while they stay in Iceland.

Oren Cohen, a Professional Writing major, who is attending the trip in spring explained the reason he wants to go on the trip because he has “always enjoyed learning about and reading about mythologies…Iceland is a really cool country, so going there is huge for me.”

Oren Cohen, a Professional Writing major, who is attending the trip in spring explained the reason he wants to go on the trip because he has “always enjoyed learning about and reading about mythologies…Iceland is a really cool country, so going there is huge for me.”

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