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Students at Home: Magdalen Bresee

By Abbi Rameau
Observer Contributor 

Magdalen Bresee is a Legal Studies major in her fourth and final semester at the Mount. She is taking 3 classes this semester, and has set up her workspace on her bed at home. Bresee says that she is currently struggling with the transition from in person lectures to online instruction, particularly in her math classes. She said that she generally needs thorough visual walkthroughs to succeed in math.

On the other hand, Bresee enjoys the freedom to do work early in the morning and have the rest of the day to herself, rather than waiting until midday for class time. She feels that she is much more productive when she is able to pace herself. Additionally, most of her classes for her major are only offered online, so she is already used to the online format for her legal studies courses.

Although she is used to the online format, Bresee misses working with her friend in the library on their assignments. She is also worried that without the structure of planned online courses, she will miss assignments as they are posted one by one. As far as graduation goes, Bresee wasn’t excited to walk across the stage in front of so many people, so she is okay with virtual commencement, but did want to see her classmates one last time before going separate ways.

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